Belajar ELLIPTICAL CONSTRUCTION, Hi readers! How’s life? In this edition, English Space will discuss Elliptical Construction. So, what is a Elliptical Construction? Here’s a complete and brief explanation. Elliptical Construction used for combining two sentences which have similarity. Yes, in Indonesian we can called “juga”. The function of Elliptical Constructions is to avoid repetition of words that are not needed (not important) in a sentence.
Elliptical constraction adalah susunan kalimat yang bisa digunakan untuk mengindikasikan/ menunjukkan bahwa seseorang, benda atau binatang melakukan/ tidak melakukan sesuatu, dan kemudian menambahkan (seseorang, benda atau binatang) lainnya juga melakukan/mengalami hal yang sama. Fungsi dari Elliptical constraction adalah untuk menghindari pengulangan kata yang tidak dibutuhkan (tidak penting) dalam suatu kalimat.
1. Too
we use the word too in positive sentence: it is usually put in the last sentence
( Subject + auxiliary + too)
example : – I am a student and Mita is too
– John works in the hotel and I do too
2. So
So is also used in positive sentence, but it is put in the front of the sentence
(so+ auxiliary+ Subject)
example : – Mita is a student and so am I
– John works in the hotel and so do I
3. Either
It is used in negative sentence, and it is put at the end of the sentence
(subject + auxiliary + not either)
example : – John is not a students of Mahasaraswati university and I am not either
– My sister doesn’t like math and I don’t either
4. Neither
It is used in negative sentence and put in the front of the sentence
(neither+ auxiliary+subject)
example : – Tata didn’t go to cinema last night and neither did I
– My father doesn’t like banana but neither do I
Demikianlah pembelajaran mengenai Belajar ELLIPTICAL CONSTRUCTION, dan pembelajaran ini di muat di Buletin Campus. semoga bermanfaat :D
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